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Dress Izumi - a work in progress

I'm a thinker...a portuguese, with brazillian blood and japanese roots. Sometimes I have to find english words to express what I really want to say during a portuguese conversation. I write practically everyday, wether for work, on my blog, a post on Facebook or even to send a text message to a friend.

I'm fascinated with people, specially the ones that manage not to loose the wonder towards life and all its tragedies. I'm also an eternal Lisbon lover and although my mother didn't gave birth to me there, somehow the city adopted me as a daughter, therefore the bound is always present.


I love waking up with the sun reflecting in white sheets, I like spread butter on french toasts just made and having it with a big cup of coffee, to hear the voice of loved ones on ordinary days...between so many other things :)


Now it's time to show you some of my works! So welcome to my space make yourself at home!

esta sou eu de uma perspectiva não convencional.

this is me in a different perspective ;)

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